How to Deposit Cash with ClipDrop

Once your Clip account is approved and you've set up all of your locations and employees (if needed), use the Clip Cashboard to create deposits. You'll enter amounts, choose which bank account we should send funds to, and select depositing locations. You can even enter memos that appear on your bank statements.

Use the following steps to create a ClipDrop Deposit, and contact us if you require help:


  1. An approved Clip account.

  1. At least one verified commercial bank account. Note that Clip supports all US or Canadian Bank or Credit Union checking accounts, provided the account is in your business's name.

  1. A Clip deposit bag assigned to the store or location you are depositing for.

  1. If you allow employees to deposit on your behalf, each employee will require their own Clip account assigned to your business.

Other Resources

  • Connecting a bank account

  • How to add a location

  • How to add an employee or other user

  • Order deposit bags

Step 1: Log in to your account

Log in to the Clip Cashboard here. If you have issues, refer to our log in support help page.

Step 2: Select ClipDrop Deposit

Click the ClipDrop Deposit button near the upper corner of the Cashboard or Deposit tab.

Step 3: Create your deposit

It's time to focus, but for less than a minute. Tell us how much you're depositing and which bank account we should send funds to. Break your deposit down by denomination, and enter an optional deposit memo that will magically appear on your bank statement.

  • Limits: Deposits may not exceed 250 notes and $10 in coins. Your deposit limit varies based on approvals and other transactions, and will be displayed as an error if you exceed that limit.

A: Enter Barcode (start with BCI)

A: Enter Barcode (start with BCI)

B: Enter Deposit memo (optional)

B: Enter Deposit memo (optional)

D: Confirm Location

E: Confirm Bank Account

F: Submit

C: Enter Quantities

C: Confirm Location

D: Confirm Bank Acount

E: Enter Quantities

F: Submit

C: Confirm Location

C: Confirm Location

E: Enter Quantities

E: Enter Quantities

D: Confirm Bank Acount

D: Confirm Bank Acount

F: Submit

F: Submit

A note about bill quantities and adjustments:

We get it — counting money is annoying. But if your denomination quantities are wrong, we'll eventually have to correct them. Deposits that are miscounted can result in deductions from your bank account. Therefore, to avoid adjustments, take your time when counting and double-check quantities. Your accountants will thank you. We will, too.

If you want avoid counting deposits completely, here's a solution.

Step 4: Scan. Unlock. Drop.

When you're ready to drop your deposit, head to your assigned ClipDrop and follow the steps below. If you can't go immediately, deposits can be dropped up to 7 days after it was created.

A. Scan to unlock: Hold your deposit bag barcode for a few seconds against the camera sensor near the upper right top panel, about 4-6" away. You'll hear a tone when the code is read, which can take a few seconds.

A. Scan to unlock: Hold your deposit bag barcode for a few seconds against the camera sensor near the upper right top panel, about 4-6" away. You'll hear a tone when the code is read, which can take a few seconds.

B. Wait for the green light: When the light bar changes to green and the LCD presents an unlock icon, you've successfully unlocked the box. Flashing lights or a red light bar indicates a problem.

Call support at (844) 917-0917 for help if needed.

B. Wait for the green light: When the light bar changes to green and the LCD presents an unlock icon, you've successfully unlocked the box. Flashing lights or a red light bar indicates a problem.

Call support at (844) 917-0917 for help if needed.

C. Drop Deposit: Fold your deposit bag in half horizontally, pull open the lower chute door, and insert your folded bag into the drop slot. Push the deposit down the chute and close the door to insure a complete drop.

Fold bags in half horizontally and only drop one deposit at a time. Never stack deposit bags.

C. Drop Deposit: Fold your deposit bag in half horizontally, pull open the lower chute door, and insert your folded bag into the drop slot. Push the deposit down the chute and close the door to insure a complete drop.

Fold bags in half horizontally and only drop one deposit at a time. Never stack deposit bags.

Saving your business time and money.

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